6 Desember 2010

Love is Colour Blind

“Kalau perbedaan hanya membuat kita sulit mencintai, mengapa ia diciptakan?”

Yeah. Sebuah quote yang bagus. Gue dapet itu di hari Jumat 12 November 2010 malem saat gue ketemu sama anak Psiko UI 2008 yang namanya Ignatia Niken. Thanks, Nik!

Hmm, mulai lagi gue akan nulis apa yang mau gue tulis. Gue nggak RASIS.

Pertama, gue sangat menjunjung tinggi pluralitas/keberagaman/multikultural/keheterogenan dalam sebuah hubungan. Bisa hubungan pertemanan, persahabatan, kasih, maupun perkawinan. Gue mikirin ini terus sampai otak gue berasap. Gue pernah nangis di suatu malam ngrenungin hal ini. Kenapa sih perbedaan itu ada? Kenapa itu jadi hambatan buat gue buat berteman sama orang?

Dengan pengalaman pernah dikecewakan seseorang yang *berbeda* di masa lampau itu, gue ngrasa parno sendiri sama orang lain yang *berbeda* sama gue. Dulunya gue sangat enjoy sama ‘mereka’, tapi akhirnya gue sendiri yang memegang kendali dan menjaga jarak dari orang-orang yang berbeda sama gue. Again, gue takut nantinya ada jawaban lagi seperti ini: “Sori, Sis... kita nggak bisa. Kita beda…”

Argh. Sekali lagi gue bilang, gue nggak RASIS.

And times goes by… tic-toc-tic-toc

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, sebelum gue ketemu Niken, gue ketemu temen gue yang lain.

'The Other One." Sebut saja namanya Si Air Dingin.

Dia nunjukin gue sebuah lagu yang menurut gue bagus banget, dan ngejawab pertanyaan gue yang ada di atas *scroll lagi ke atas yuk*. Ini gue tulisin liriknya ya. Gue berharap, siapapun yang baca notes gue ini, dengerin lagu ini, dan ngresapin lirik lagu ini mulai terbuka matanya kalo perbedaan itu jangan dijadikan penghalang buat kita semua untuk berteman dan menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang yang beda. Kulit boleh beda warna, tapi darah hanya ada satu warna kan?

Enjoy it!

SARAH CONNOR (feat: TQ) -Love is Colour Blind

It don't matter if you're black

White or yellow, if you're brown or red

Let's get down to that

Love is color-blind

[Verse 1:]

I remember when

I was a child and couldn't understand

People having fun

Discriminating all the different ones

Mama just used to say

When you grow up you'll maybe find a way

To make these people see

That everything I do comes back to me


You gotta live your live

We're all the same, no one's to blame

They gotta live their lives

Just play the game and let love reign


It don't matter if you're black

White or yellow, if your brown or red

Let's get down to that

Love is color-blind

You're my brother, you're my friend

All that matters in the very end

Is to understand

Love is color-blind


I remember as a young boy

I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames

I saw the whole thang through tears of pain

And a situation's rackin' my brain

I wish I could fly away and never come back again

We need some love you all

We need some real deal help from above you all

I mean the kids watchin'

And I just can't see it stoppin', I don't understand

I mean we all bleed the same blood, man!


You gotta live your life

Better than our fathers did

Let's make some love, baby, have some kids

They gotta live their lives

And I don't care what color they are, or you are, or we are

It's all love, baby!


You have been my mother

You could have been my brother

What if you were my sister

If you were my father?

You could have been my fella

You could have been my teacher

What if you were my friend?

Would be so nice to meet ya

[Verse 2:]

Take it out to the world

Tell every boy and every little girl

Be proud of yourself

Cause you're as good as anybody else

Put away your prejudice

Open your mind, don't need a stick to this

Try to make this earth

A better place without a racial curse


Yeah, it's time for some changes


3 komentar:

  1. Siska, you ought to read the whole part of this:


  2. ...
    i read all the whole part.
    it's annoying hahahhaa XD

    let's have a cup of tea, and share X)
    Thanks Niken!
